Sand dunes restoration in La Paloma

Beach erotion and loss of coastal area due to increased urbanization and construction is a common issue all around the globe.

La Paloma is trying to restore  or at least rebuild the dunes that protect the coastline along town. The local government and other NGOs are making good work every summer building walkways and fences all along the coast. The idea is to organize specific points where people should walk through sand dunes so not to erode or damage the natural sand dynamics.

The problem has been widely treated in scientific literature and solutions range from expensive installations to drain water from the sand to simple fencing with organic material that rapidly build up dunes and then decay under them.

La Paloma certainly has seen and improvement of certain areas and beach area has been restored to same as in the 80´s.

This summer, use the entrance points and park in designed areas.

Dune buiding La Paloma Uruguay

Dune buiding

organic debris helping dune restoration

Organic debris helping dune restoration

welcome to the beach

Welcome to the beach

Walking out of the beach

Walking out of the beach

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My name is Gastón Pereyra and I have worked as a Spanish teacher since 2002 with a certificate on Spanish Teacher for Foreign Learners at the International House Institute. I have also worked with students from all over the world at institutes in Mexico and Uruguay.